
Yoga & Meditation

teacher training

Yoga is a sophisticated science and philosophy which encompasses many techniques for transforming the body-mind schema and our relationship to the world.

8 weekends- in-person

OCT 18th - Nov 23rd

Ayurveda - Asana - Pranayama - Meditation - Kriya - Mantra - Adjustments - Classical Philosophy - History of Yoga - Anatomy & Physiology - Teaching Methodology - Ethics & Professionalism.

Teaching Experience

Over the course of 8 weeks, our students will gain knowledge about the origins of yoga, and receive practical training in yogic techniques that will serve as the foundation for a transformative, lifelong practice.

Flexible Study Options

Over the course of 8 weeks, our students will gain knowledge about the origins of yoga, and receive practical training in yogic techniques that will serve as the foundation for a transformative, lifelong practice.

Traditional Teachings

Upon graduating from Ritual, students will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to teach high-quality yoga classes that remain true to the traditional teachings.

abouT the 200hr program

"Every year we have a mixed and diverse group of trainees at varying points on their yoga journey. There are some who have minimal experience, but who nevertheless feel a deep pull toward the practice. There are others who have been practising for many years and who feel ready to deepen their knowledge and practice. All soon discover that the true essence of yoga has little to do with advanced yoga asana and much to do with one’s entire approach to every aspect of life itself. An “advanced” practice is something that may come in time, but is by no means a prerequisite for the course" - Rose Lamont - Lead Course Facilitator.


Although there are no official requisites for the course. We do ask is that you come with a desire to learn and immerse yourself in the course.

We start from the beginning, hence the course is suitable for beginner students wanting to study yoga for their own personal growth and for more advanced students wanting to deepen their knowledge and learn to teach yoga.

Every year we have a mixed and diverse group at varying levels. Some who have never practiced and others who have been practising for years. As you will discover yoga has little to do with advanced yoga asana.

Yoga is a sophisticated philosophy which encompasses many techniques for transforming the mind and our relationship to the world. Hence advanced physical practice is not a requirement.

training inclusions

  • 50x Yoga Classes at Ritual
  • Printed copy of Ritual’s Yoga Training manual
  • Online Learning Portal Access
  • 1 x Private Session
  • One-on-one support
  • Option to teach Ritual's community classes upon graduation.
  • Unique Guest Workshops

what will you learn?

  • Ayurveda: Yogic lifestyle, diet, rituals and approach to daily life.
  • Asana, Bandha & Mudra: Yoga postures, adjustments and techniques
  • Pranayama: The science of utilising breath to facilitate healing and meditation.
  • Restorative Practices: Learn techniques to facilitate rest, stability and rejuvenation in the body and mind.
  • Meditation/Dhyana: Developing awareness and discovering ones natural state.
  • Kriya yoga: Traditional cleansing techniques and the 3-fold practice for organising and transforming mind and energy
  • Mantra: Sacred sound for transforming consciousness.
  • Philosophy: Understanding the 8 limbs of Yoga through Pantanjali's Yoga Sutra, The Bhagavad Gita and other traditional yoga texts.
  • History: Discover the ancient history of yoga and its development through the ages.
  • Anatomy & Physiology: Learn to see and understand the physical body from the inside out.
  • Teaching Methodology: Learn to teach public and private classes that offer the real teachings and practice of yoga.
  • Ethics & Professionalism: Understand the path of teaching and what is required in both a private and professional context

In person Dates:

Friday - Sunday

Weekend 1: October 18th, 19th, 20th

Weekend 2: October 25th, 26th, 27th

Weekend 3: November 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Weekend 4: November 8th, 9th, 10th

Weekend 5: November 15th, 16th, 17th

Weekend 6 (Last day): November 23rd

Teaching faculty

Rose Lamont

Rose is the co-founder of Ritual and the Lead Facilitator of Ritual's 200hr program. Her approach to teaching yoga reflects her respect for and commitment to the ongoing study and practice of Raja and Hatha yoga within the lineage of Krishnamacharya. Rose has been practising for over 15 years and has been teaching for 10. She has completed countless hours of formal yoga, pranayama and meditation training and is currently pursuing a post-graduate degree in philosophy, with a focus on metaphysics and existentialism.

Yoga E-YRT 500, Lead Facilitator

Mitch Hunter

Mitch is a clinical educator, senior physical therapist and lecturer at Griffith University. He is a meditation teacher with a strong spiritual background, who practises in the lineage of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Mitch has been helping people heal themselves through health-sciences, mindfulness and somatic practices for over 15 years

Alex Vanucci

Alex is a beacon of passion and knowledge with a degree in nutrition, expertise in pilates, yoga, and Zen meditation. Her classes are a harmonious blend of gentle movements, inclusive teachings, and rich wisdom from Zen and Chinese medicine philosophies. Alex's approach is not just about the physical, but also about nurturing the mind and soul. Her classes are a sanctuary where everyone is welcome, and where the wisdom of ancient practices is woven into every moment.

Rose Baudin

Rose Baudin has a remarkable background in yoga, having dedicated 50 years to study and practice of yoga. She started her journey in Sri Lanka, where she met her mentor, Swami Gauribala Giri, and became part of the Parampara in 1984. During the 16 years she lived in India she was under the personal guidance of S.N. Goenka (Vipassana), Zen Master Hogenhttps Yamahata, (Soto), Sayadaw U Janaka (Insight Meditation), His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Kalachakra) and Jiddu Krishnamurti. An eclectic education!

This course is not just for those who wish to teach

This course is NOT just for those who want to learn to teach. It is a course designed to give you the knowledge, techniques and understanding of a practice that will continue to serve and sustain you throughout your life.

Of course the end of the training you will be able to share and teach yoga and meditation classes which is a beautiful gift to be able to offer your community.

However the real gift one leaves with is a personal practice, rooted in the ancient techniques of yoga.




Early bird offer! Ends 1st ​September!



$259 per week

incurs a $150 admin fee!




start your journey

With over 100 graduates from around the world, we are proud of our alumni student base who we continue to work with and support in their studies and teaching.

Quotation Mark

Not only do the team at Ritual facilitate a supportive, encouraging, and thought-provoking training, but you meet people who are like-minded, on a similar life trajectory no matter the age or experience and are committed and open to seek more knowledge for themselves to help others. Take this as your sign to start your yoga teacher training – the benefits are priceless, and opportunities are endless.


Chloe Willetts

Quotation Mark

I can now say that yoga is my new love and that this comprehensive course was beyond anything I imagined. The highly experienced teachers and lecturers made us feel welcome and were willing to give as much information as we could pack into our brains. The 8 weekends was well structured and informative on both the theory and practical side.I cannot wait to do more training. At Ritual and beyond. Thankyou


Natalie Goulding

Quotation Mark

“My training at Ritual really opened my eyes to how using these ancient yogic techniques and practices creates a life of more equanimity, joy, and inner radiance which naturally touches the lives of those around you. During this time of worldly turbulence I think cultivating these practices for ourselves and our communities couldn’t be more important.”


Misty Wilson

Start your enrolment process

We're looking for our next group of trainees to join us on our 200hr Yoga and Meditation training. If you're feeling an inclination to begin your journey with yoga, regardless of whether you wish to become a teacher, we invite you to join us.

If you would like to secure your place, you can pay fill out the application form and pay your deposit to secure your spot.

Never been to ritual before?

Send us an email to trainings@ritualstudios.com.au us to claim your free intro offer.